
Understanding the topography of the European seas

EMODnet Bathymetry REST service

EMODnet Bathymetry provides a rest service to retrieve depth samples. Currently, two operations are availble to query the EMODnet DTM for depth samples:


This method returns the attributes of a single DTM grid cell for a single coordinate. Input parameter geom is a WKT Point geometry in geographic coordinates.

Sample REST point request [run example]
GET /depth_sample?geom=POINT(3.3233642578125 55.01953125) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Sample REST point response
  "min": 31.2,
  "max": 31.3,
  "avg": 31.25,
  "stdev": 0.05,
  "elementarySurfaces": 31,
  "smoothed": 30.95,
  "smoothedOffset": 0.3000000000000007,
  "reference": {
    "organisation_id": 574,
    "identifier": "HY16427-MeanTT",
    "type": "CDI",
    "devices": "multi-beam echosounders"


This method returns a intersection of the DTM along the requested LineString. Input parameter geom is a LineString WKT geometry in geographic coordinates

Sample REST profile request [run example]
GET /depth_profile?geom=LINESTRING(-7.7783203125 49.02099609375,-9.9755859375 46.42822265625) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Sample REST profile response
   141.0,   143.0,   152.0,   153.4,   157.0,
   162.0,   163.0,   164.4,   171.0,   174.0,
   176.4,   176.0,   178.4,   176.0,   171.0,
   179.0,   179.0,   337.4,   631.0,   647.0,   
   1565.0,   1618.0,   2011.0,   2665.0,   2549.4,
   3348.0,   3966.4,   3507.4,   3046.0,   2724.0,
   3383.4,   4288.0,   4359.0,   4502.0,   4492.0,
   4497.0,   4490.4,   4495.4,   4480.0,   4393.0,
   4339.4,   4273.4,   4167.4,   4657.0,   4668.0,
   4662.4,   4684.4,   4690.4,   4701.0,   4727.0,