Understanding the topography of the European seas
Understanding the topography of the European seas
EMODnet Bathymetry provides a rest service to retrieve depth samples. Currently, two operations are availble to query the EMODnet DTM for depth samples:
This method returns the attributes of a single DTM grid cell for a single coordinate. Input parameter geom is a WKT Point geometry in geographic coordinates.
GET /depth_sample?geom=POINT(3.3233642578125 55.01953125) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"min": 31.2,
"max": 31.3,
"avg": 31.25,
"stdev": 0.05,
"elementarySurfaces": 31,
"smoothed": 30.95,
"smoothedOffset": 0.3000000000000007,
"reference": {
"organisation_id": 574,
"identifier": "HY16427-MeanTT",
"type": "CDI",
"devices": "multi-beam echosounders"
This method returns a intersection of the DTM along the requested LineString. Input parameter geom is a LineString WKT geometry in geographic coordinates
GET /depth_profile?geom=LINESTRING(-7.7783203125 49.02099609375,-9.9755859375 46.42822265625) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
141.0, 143.0, 152.0, 153.4, 157.0,
162.0, 163.0, 164.4, 171.0, 174.0,
176.4, 176.0, 178.4, 176.0, 171.0,
179.0, 179.0, 337.4, 631.0, 647.0,
1565.0, 1618.0, 2011.0, 2665.0, 2549.4,
3348.0, 3966.4, 3507.4, 3046.0, 2724.0,
3383.4, 4288.0, 4359.0, 4502.0, 4492.0,
4497.0, 4490.4, 4495.4, 4480.0, 4393.0,
4339.4, 4273.4, 4167.4, 4657.0, 4668.0,
4662.4, 4684.4, 4690.4, 4701.0, 4727.0,
More information about integrating EMODnet Bathymetry data services can be found at